Audrey Grace Lahman born August 2, 1993 in Rochester New York. I am currently a dietetics major at CUNY Queens College working towards becoming a Registered Dietician. (Projected Graduation Spring 2016) I am a student member of the
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. I hope to be able to help provide information to people so they can make smart choices and heal themselves. In 2010 I watched the movie
Food Inc in my high school economics class and my life was forever changed. Before this movie, I had never put much thought into where my food came from. I pictured farms with lots of space and happy animals. The reality shocked me. I couldn't believe we (Americans) had let our food system become so clearly messed up. I started on a food journey. The day I watched Food Inc I started eating vegan. Avoiding animal products is a healthy and easy way to avoid alot of the issues with our current agri-bussiness system for food. I was fully vegan for around two years. I consider myself loosly vegan because I still have a majority vegan diet, maybe 75% of my diet is vegan. The more I have learned about nutrition the more I have come to appreciate the many positives of a plant based diet as opposed to an animal based one. I am on an everchanging journey of diet and discovery. I plan to use this blog to share recipies I like and my nutrition discoveries. I hope anyone who reads it, even if they don't agree with my opinions, will be pushed to think more about the food they eat and where it comes from. I honestly believe that Americans should be outraged by our current food system. I plan to explain why in some future posts. If you're not mad, you're not paying attention!
Education Not Medication
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